Campus and City Involvement

We are proud of the footprint our sisters make on campus and in the community outside of Tri Delta. A large majority of our sisters are involved in at least one other extracurricular activity or club on campus, and many sisters also hold internships or jobs within the Greater Boston Area!

Here are just some of the organizations our sisters are involved with:


A cappella 

Admissions Office

Alpha Kappa Psi Professional Business Fraternity

Alpha Chi Epsilon Professional Chemistry Fraternity

Alternative Service Break

Big Sibs

Biology Research

Blockchain Club

Boston University Neurobiology Lab


BU On Broadway


Chinese Student Association

Charcoal Magazine


Community Service Center

Dance Theatre Group

Dean of Students Office

Education First

Environmental Student Organization

BU Fashion and Retail

Forté A Cappella

Global House

Intramural Volleybal


Marine Science Association


Panhellenic Honors Society

Physics Department

Phi Alpha Delta

Boston Political Review Writer


Scarlet Key Honors Society

Shakespeare Society

Study Abroad Embassador

Student Government

Synchronized Skating Team

The Women’s Network

BU PALS Veterinary Society